Our Brains Can Remember The Whole Internet

Scientists have discovered that the brain could remember 10 times more information than previously considered possible. It could help in the creation of more efficient computers.


Scientists and engineers work for years on the development of robotics and artificial intelligence. Some experts have warned over the past years that mankind is threatened that robots and computers will be more capable than people, and when the computer will exceed the capacity of the human brain that means the notion of singularity.

However, the world could wait for some time for that moment. Scientists have discovered that the human brain can store 10 times more information than was considered possible, which simply put is almost as over the Internet.

This finding, helps to explain why the human brain is so effective. The new information could help scientists create more efficient computers, as well as learn more about how the brain of humans work.

-We came across the key principles of hippocampal neurons that operate with little energy, but much computing power – said the scientist Professor Terry Sejnovski.

-The brain seemingly looks chaotic, but it hides incredible precision the size and shape of the synapse, which we couldn’t see – said Sejnovski.