Even though there is no reason for doing these things , we tend to do them a lot. See for your self:

1. I better press this elevator button for like 50 times and maybe it will come faster.


2. I don’t know what to eat so I will open the fridge every 5 min , maybe some food will appear.


3. If I yell at the traffic light “Oh, common” , maybe it will light up green faster.


4. I better hit the C button on the calculator for like 20 times to be sure it is reseted.


5. I better hit the lock button 10 times to be sure it is locked.


6. I will hit 50 times on the “Save” button to make sure it didn’t save on the first time.


7. I better move the Manual Controller left and right 10 times in my car to be sure it is not in a speed.
